Cooperation truly is key, in more ways than one.  Were we living in a world where the concept couldn’t be understood, consider the number of things that may not be working: Complex surgeries, the sport of curling, and most of public relations.

Think about it. Public relations is a near-constant exercise in cooperation, where vendors work with brands that work with additional outside agencies to create awesome campaigns.  Our industry is built, at least to some degree, on the power of cooperating. And nothing makes that more clear than cooperative satellite media tours.

At 4media, we appreciate the power in co-op satellite media tours and in cooperation at large. In the spirit of such cooperation, I sat down with one of our VP’s of Client Solutions, Natalie Weissman, to discuss what it is that makes co-ops great.

4media: So Natalie, what makes a co-op so special?

Natalie: Co-oping a satellite media tour provides clients with a cost-effective and unique way to showcase their product or service on local and national TV, radio and online outlets. A co-op combines up to four non-competing products or services that are editorially linked together in an informative segment hosted by a seasoned expert. The SMT package includes a guaranteed number of placements and reach, so my clients know in advance their results will please their team and the other brands will be a good fit for their initiatives.

4media: Is it challenging to share your messaging with other brands? And in that regard, are clients typically happy with co-ops as far as the ultimate brand outcome?

Natalie: Clients are thrilled. The client simply provides the product and messaging and we do the rest. We fully coordinate, book and produce each tour and following the tour we provide our clients with a final report including audience reach. And sharing the segment means a better flow editorially, more useful information for the audience and thus their own message is strengthened by partnering up with non-competitive, but complementary brands.

4media: What roadblocks are experienced in a co-op that may not be experienced in a traditional SMT?

Natalie: The only potential roadblocks come when the client’s expectations are not managed from the onset. Sharing a co-op segment means crafting all the messaging to complement each other’s talking points—which can be a wonderful thing as long as clients are aware beforehand of the format, as well as the expectations on them and on us. Our producers make the segment flow seamlessly and the client always has final approval; so they shouldn’t be afraid to collaborate, negotiate and find the best way for all parties involved to get the message across.

Co-Op Media Tours
4media: What do you view as the absolute best thing about a co-op, and what’s the best co-op you’ve ever done? 

Natalie: The best thing about a co-op is the cost and the strength a brand garners by co-branding. Partnering with another brand only doubles (or triples or quadruples!) your potential audience. One brand shares, new eyes see your brand…the possibilities are endless! And the best co-ops I’ve ever done are when brands trust the process, craft wonderful messaging and really capitalize on the partnership with the other sponsors and our credible spokespeople. When the Talent, Topic and Timing coincide, co-ops really sing.

4media: Which one of our additional services would you say pairs best with a co-op? 

Natalie: Videos and infographics are great social tools to keep promoting the brand’s entire campaign, and they can drive interest online and elsewhere well after a tour has ended.

And there you have it.  An inside look at the co-op SMT, and what makes it a worthy consideration not only for cost-conscious brands, but for driving impressions and crafting segments with a good editorial feel.

If you’re interested in working with the 4media team on a co-op, research generation, or video production, reach out.  We enjoy cooperating.