Campaign Stats

25 Total Interviews:

  • 23 in National or Top 50 markets
  • Total Broadcast Audience: 6,448,926

1,071 Online and Video MAT Release Placements:

  • Combined Total UMV: 202,028,022


As the coronavirus pandemic continues, many of the estimated 35 million Americans who have lost their jobs are also facing the loss of health insurance for themselves and their families. 4media group joined with a discount prescription finder to provide consumers with coverage options, as well as tips to save money on prescriptions regardless of their insurance situation. In order to adhere to social distancing directives a fully virtual satellite media tour was conducted, with none of the participants ever occupying the same space.



Laid off workers are struggling with the harsh reality of suddenly having no job and in many cases, no health insurance.  The discount drug company had important information to share regarding access to coverage options and prescription drug savings that could give a much-needed sense of relief to people all over the country. 4media group knew a satellite media tour was the most effective way reach the largest possible audience. But with social distancing still in effect, the message had to get out using a method modeling that behavior. ​


4media group had already designed and perfected a completely virtual satellite media tour and recognized this would be the ideal way for the client to deliver their message.  The Media Relations team reached out to local and national news outlets to secure coverage. The spokesperson hosted the tour from her home, and the 4media group technician – working from his home as well – facilitated the process to connect the doctor with station anchors throughout the country.


4media group’s team secured a total of 25 television and radio interviews. Outlets included local television and radio stations in markets including Denver, Phoenix, and Washington D.C.