Campaign Stats

  • 20 earned interviews
  • Total Broadcast Audience: 7,891,376
  • 3 Online Placements
  • Total UVM: 315,300



A national packaged foods company partnered with 4media group to develop and execute a fully virtual satellite media tour. Since time was of the essence because of the COVID-19 pandemic, interviews were secured within 72 hours and with a full schedule of national and local media. The audience received expert advice on how to make the most of their supermarket trips during the COVID-19 outbreak by planning ahead and using versatile ingredients and recipes for home friendly family meals.


This brand wanted to give back to their consumers and provide expert advice for safe, efficient grocery shopping and meal preparation during the coronavirus pandemic. With communities all over the country practicing self-isolation and some in actual lockdown, they needed a virtual satellite media tour to reach outlets across the U.S. But they also wanted to do their part to contain the virus by maintaining the social distancing directive and keeping everyone safe. ​


4media analyzed and modified new technology to conduct a completely virtual satellite media tour, executing the entire broadcast with a portable broadcasting system from the home of our technician.

The spokesperson, a critically acclaimed chef, hosted the tour from their home kitchen in Vermont, with videoconferencing allowing he and the station anchors to see each other. Every aspect of the media day was conducted with both the technician and tour talent working from home and linked to the studio, resulting in successful interviews for client and viewers alike with no complications.


4media group’s media relations team secured 20 earned interviews. Outlets included national platforms such as NBC NewsChannel, as well as local television and radio stations in markets including Dallas, Detroit, Portland, and Denver.